12 February 2009


Do any of you have a tendency to dive in headfirst without checking out the depth of the water first? I think I do that a lot. I get really excited about something (like blogging or working out) and forget about balance. Last summer, I think I was incapable of finding a happy medium with cooking, blogging and life. So today I log back in for the first time in months, and I have a new project to dive into headfirst. Balance.

I have been working out long enough to have that integrated into my everyday life. I don't really consider it hard to fit it in anymore (although it is still hard to go back to the gym if I have been sick or out of town!). I am hoping that I can similarly integrate blogging back into my daily life. I have had some exciting changes over the past few months, which have resparked my interest in cooking.

I have a roommate! And she is my personal trainer! What are the chances I would develop such a great friendship with someone I pay to make me do push-ups?! Kali moved in with me around Thanksgiving, and it has been a great fit. She laughs at my devotion to my kitchen, but she is also always willing to sample my most recent baked goodies.

I have also recently made a commitment to volunteer with our local Ronald McDonald House charity. What could be greater for me than a charity that accepts all the home-baked goods you can drop off and encourages you to come cook for their residents! In less than a week I am taking a group of women from a local organization to the RMH to cook dinner for 80 people. I hope to take pictures and review the recipes.

I also recently received some very sweet gifts from various people. My boss bought me a gift certificate for 3 cooking classes at a local school. Another dear friend and co-worker, Marsha, had a beautiful Chef's Coat (!!! I feel like I must be breaking some rule by owning a Chef's Coat without being a Chef, but I like it :)) embroidered with my name and the name of this blog for me! And, of course, I received several thoughtful cooking-related Christmas gifts from my family and boyfriend. I am really excited to get back to my blog and writing about food.